Here Come the Comedy Troupes

As a child I would go over to my grandmother/aunt's house on Saturdays and after eating dinner, we would watch TVB TV. I would get really bored as the shows on at that time were silly variety shows where slapstick humour was centrestage and where I didn't understand a lot of the humour. But then when we got home, I would stay up until 12 to watch MAD TV. After a while I came to dismiss most Saturday night Chinese tv up to today. Except last Saturday, I watched this show called "Fun With Liz and Gods". It was satirical. It was hilarious. There are three guys and they do sketches parodying many different types of pop culture things. It was probably because of the many references to Western culture that made it so accessible for me.

Then yesterday, Sunday, I watched Monty Python's Meaning of Life and that was also hilarious. I was laughing out loud and then my parents came downstairs towards the end of it and they probably thought nothing of it, or maybe even thought it was distasteful. Which makes me think that humour if culturally bound.

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