
Every time I live in Quebec, somehow I get involved in the circus. How very Gallic to have a professional circus as an Institution of the nation, my stereotyping self thinks. But oh how very cool. Le spectacle is a term that doesn't translate well. The circus, especially one without live animals, is one of wonder, fantasy, fascination, incredibility. The people performing work hard to do this kind of stuff.

When I was in Quebec City in summer of 2009 I was lucky enough to be there during the city's 400th anniversary. There was a free outdoor show being put on by Cirque du Soleil because of the anniversary. Now I'm in Montreal. This weekend there was a 3-day "culture days" province-wide arts event going on. Montreal, the hometown of Cirque du Soleil, is host to the National Circus School. This weekend they were holding an open house with free shows and an inside look into the training grounds of national and international circus performers. How many people can say they've seen that?! Sure, you can say you've seen it on TV - I'm sure I've seen a special about these kinds of things. Anyway, to turn something that one runs away with when one is discontented with one's life, into an institution that requires training and is a million-dollar entertainment industry, and to have it in an already creative city like Montreal, is nothing short of, well, spectacle-ular.

A culture that is able to laugh at itself is one that knows how to live.


I am now studying for a Graduate Diploma in Communication Studies at Concordia University.

Since my last post, I've travelled in Nicaragua, through Europe and through Southern China and I've moved to Montreal.

Now that I'm forced to think of media for school, I will update more often so keep reading!