Why do I always get into these situations?

I've been trying to decide whether Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves is an utter load of drivel or is a bold statement on the nature of art and will enhance my life.

This book was my first online purchase experience. I bought it with Chapters gift cards, when I wasn't even old enough for a credit card. I bought it because I was in an Ellis-Ballard-Palahniuk phase and I'd seen favourable reviews of the book on Amazon.com. Sure, I was up for a challenge. It arrived in my mailbox, fresh, I ripped open the box, looked the cover over, then stored the book on my bookshelf until 2009. I was living by myself in 2009 and had nothing better else to do than to read after work (I had no Internet, either). So I started and grudgingly got to page 130 after having read some interesting things. Then I put the book down until now, in 2011. I picked it up again today and with more than 400 pages to go I don't know when or if I will be able to finish it...which now that I'm reading other reviews seems to be the point of the book. Great, Danielewski! You've done your job! You've made your point known! Spare me!

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