Boo for TV

So I had basically no television viewing time over the last few years, because a) I like to watch TV on TVs b) I didn't really get into the whole illegal streaming thing and c) For a while I didn't have internet. So over the last few years I've amassed a list of TV Shows that have gotten great reviews and that I was really really excited to watch. Over these past few months, I've tried to get into a lot of them and all I have to say is that I want those hours of my life back. So-called "great" shows are not that great. With one exception. So I won't listen to people for advice for TV shows now. I think I'll go back to sit-coms.

Show I tried to like but it turned out to be boring
Note: when I say try to like I mean I've watched at least 5 episodes
True Blood
The Wire
Mad Men

Shows that I've watched one episode of but I may or may not like
The Sopranos

New Shows that I love
The Office

Yup. Comedy it is for me.

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