In the past few months I've seen some bad, boring movies and for that reason and others, I have slowed down my summer movie viewing craziness from past years (from my film log, I'd have to say the start of the new year is when I view the most movies and then summer is the lagging time of movie viewing).

Here is a sample of the really movies I disliked that I've seen in the past few months:
Russian Ark - disappointing!
The Last Days of Disco - I wanted to slap all the characters and shove them into a bodybag
Sex, lies and videotape
Ordinary People - boring!
A Serious Man - the main character was annoying, not unserious, just annoying
Machuca - disappointing

To counter that, here are some movies I really liked:
Paris, Texas - I thought Wings of Desire was pretty boring (don't hate me!), so I hesitated to see this from Wim Wenders. It turned out to be a true masterpiece.
Together (Tillsammans) - I saw this last night and it was hilarious.
Knocked Up, 40-Year-Old Virgin, Funny People - Judd Apatow is my newest addition to my favourite directors list
Thelma and Louise
Inglorious Basterds
Mysterious Skin - JGL is so good

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